So last year they came out with the movie Wanted, based on Mark Millar's awesome graphic novel. The screenplay for the movie was written after the screenwriters only read like the first issue of six, so the opening of the story is kinda the same, but what follows ends up being much different. Wanted the movie was fun, but nowhere near as original or cool as the graphic novel. Anyway, Angelina Jolie was in it, and now director Timur Bekmambetov wants to bring her back for the sequel. But if you've seen the first one, you know that's gonna be a little tricky. Here he is talking to MTV about it:
"If you remember from the first film, we have a recovery room with the baths of wax," Bekmambetov told MTV News. "We know how to do this, but it's still tough to do, because the bullet is inside her head."
"But there has to be a reason for her to come back... and we know the reason," he added. "I think we found the reason for her to come back."
I love how fucking stupid this quote sounds, especially out of context.
Featured Friday: Writers
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