Last week, my American Idol Loser Wish List (ordered from shittiest to best) was this:
1. Jason Castro.
2. Kristy Lee Cook.
3. David Archuleta.
4. Syesha Mercado.
5. Michael Johns.
6. David Cook.
7. Carly Smithson.
8. Brooke White.
The Bottom Three were Syesha Mercado, Michael Johns, and Carly Smithson. What the fuck. WAY off. I hate a Bottom Three that guarantees the loss of a good singer. In the end, Ryan sent Michael Johns packing, which sucked, but I was happy to have the two girls remain.
Tomorrow is the next elimination. Here is my new list for the week:
1. David Archuleta. Simon keeps giving him glowing reviews, and I just don't like him at all. I don't enjoy the sound of his voice. He is becoming a huge threat, and I want him off the show now.
2. Jason Castro. Suck!
3. Kristy Lee Cook. Inconsequential.
4. David Cook. Like I say every week, I think this guy is great, but I hope he doesn't take one of the higher spots, because he's like the only current Idol who is already guaranteed a career after the show. That's why I put him in the Daughtry spot.
5. Syesha Mercado. Love her.
6. Carly Smithson. Could use a high rank, and definitely deserves it.
7. Brooke White. My fave.
Every week, Simon sucks all the guys' dicks and then gives all the girls shit reviews. Syesha is consistently good, but they keep finding bullshit reasons to criticize her. "You're imitating Whitney." "I don't think people know that song." How bout you concentrate on how good a fucking singer she is? I thought that's what the contest was. With Carly, they always claim she wasn't as technically good as she could be. Am I just tone deaf? Then there's Brooke. I think these judges are systematically destroying her confidence to the point where she's not performing as well as she could. And they seem to trash her more because she's so good about taking criticism. Obviously she's not going to win this thing, because the whole goddamn show is designed to reward only the powerhouse singers, whether they deserve it or not (see Season 6). But Brooke's perfectly suited for that cool piano woman style, and that is a valid thing that should hold more weight on this stupid fucking show.
Featured Friday: Writers
1 day ago
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